Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tip #3: Your Life Is Your Mirror

Your life is your mirror.

Two books everyone should read on this topic: As A Man Thinketh by James Allen, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

The basic idea is, I guess, boiled down into the idea of karma. You get what you give, you are what you think, and your circumstances are an effect of who you are. Events are effects; thoughts are the cause. If you change your thoughts, because you have changed the cause you will change the effect.

This is a vastly important idea to master while you're looking for a companion, because necessarily your companion, or lack of one, is a manifestation of the thoughts and thought patterns you are creating.

Nothing comes into your life except that which you need to learn and grow--we aren't thrown into the refiner's fire because there's nothing to burn out; we are thrown into the refiner's fire to burn out the dross. If we feel lonely, if we feel sad, if we feel lost, the only way to overcome these feelings is to change our thought patterns. We must realize that we deserve better.

How many times have you heard a sad person complain that they are depressed? Or a single person complain that they are lonely? Dwelling on thoughts like this is not the way to get out of them. Every time unpleasant thoughts enter our minds, we must replace them with others, because we get what we think about. If we dwell on the miserable and unhappy, that is all we can expect to get in our lives.

I think this is true for everything in life, because I do not believe that God would ever allow unnecessary suffering. However, since this is a dating blog, let's focus on that aspect of it.

Take a look at your dating life. If you're reading this blog, you're probably not that happy with it. I think in today's age we are taught to blame others--it's my parents' fault, my teachers' fault. I wasn't breastfed. The real issue here isn't what happened to you, it's how you feel about what's happened to you, what you think about it and what you do about it. If you're not happy with your life, change how you think, and your life must necessarily change too.


I have great faith in this idea, and I've been living my life by it for a while. I believe that people think about you what you think about them; when you think to yourself how stupid someone else is, you only make yourself dumber. But when you think more beautiful thoughts, those show in your life as well.

In my own life, I think this has manifested in many ways. As far as I know, I'm only on unpleasant terms with one person in this world, and to be fair, I don't always think amazingly highly of him myself. I have been extraordinarily blessed with money and health, and a wonderful man in my life. You get what you earn in life, and what you earn, you earn through your thoughts.

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